07 March, 2011

nom nom nom fresh meat!

Wow the last week has been amazing!

we have had a blast spinning at the bizarre ball and toga party as part of the Massey university o-week and we felt amazingly privileged to be a part of "arts on edge" on Saturday, performing alongside many of Palmerston North's best performing arts groups! keep your eyes peeled for photos and videos i will upload in a future post.

so now we have that, often stressful, first week out of the way, we can start to get down to business (in the most enjoyable way possible of course =P)

this Tuesday (8Th of march) is our first official meeting of 2011. If you signed up at clubs day you would have already received an email about the happenings, but in case you missed us on clubs day here's the goss!;

we will be meeting at 7.30pm at the Massey events centre (the big building/courtyard over behind the rec centre on the turitea campus) feel free to just rock on up even if you didn't sign up on Wednesday. Fire is fun, but we aren't going to pressure you into something you aren't comfortable with so don't be afraid! but just in case you feel the calling of the flame (that sounded so much cooler in my head) wear comfortable clothes that you can move in, and you don't mind getting dirty. the perfect outfit is some old jeans and a tshirt. Don't wear tights!!!!! we wont let you spin if you do! also girls it pays to bring a hair tie...i have lost count of the number of times i have caught my hair on fire!!

I think that about covers it! so come along and have an awesome night! i will have my camera out to capture your first night on fire, and the pics might even end up on here!

right so now for your viewing pleasure, heres a couple pics from clubs day 2011:

Ty hovering above concourse...

 and James hovering over a very wet bouncy castle thing (this was after the rain started so everyone is a bit soggy here!)

So that its for today. I'll try get on here on Wednesday and let you know how tomorrow night goes!!

Happy spinning,

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