Good Moaning and Good Morrow!
My name is Tarah and I am the new secretary of the Massey University Fire Club, or Massey University Fire AND CIRCUS, as recently voted at our AGM meeting which was held in September. New name, new committee, but our aim has always been the same; to perform and teach all things that burn, glow, juggle and spin. So without further ado, allow me to present the delightful individuals who will be looking after the club for the next year.
President: Lets have a big round of applause for Emma, the new president of MUFC. 'Tis Emmas second year on the committee and she is looking forward to being the face of club and what a lovely face she has (even when done in make-up to look like the joker!). When she's not waving her firey fans, Emma can be found frolicking and performing in the Massey University Drama Society.
Secretary: Moving right along to me and my role. This is the first time I've been on the committee and I'm really excited to be a part of this awesome team. My weapons of choice are poi (fire, glow or tail) and I've just started teaching myself the levistick. I love jamming with my poi and teaching others the craft too.
Performance Coordinator: This lovely lady is the master of multiple fire toys, most recently dazing audiences with her aerial acrobatics on the lyra. Carolyn has been on the committee multiple times in different roles and isn't afraid to get busy mixing music and helping others with routines and costumes.

Gear & Safety: Clear the way for James and his big firey axe....and all the gear he will be carrying in his new role! This big guy loves big fire toys, such as staff, his iconic axe and even has a homemade flame thrower. James has a passion for science and destruction, so if he isn't in a lab, you'll find him creating and destroying things, all in the name of art.
Treasurer: Liam's the name and numbers are the game-not just in his new role, but his current major too. Liam is the baby of the club, but certainly not when he's on his stilts! He also enchants audiences with his devil stick and has a jam with the poi every now and then.
Patron: Lets welcome back Lynelle, Lynelle is another creative genius on the team, knowledgeable in many toys, even making some herself! This lovely lady has been on the committee multiple times and is just an awesome person all round.
So that's us! Don't let our committee roles fool you. We are just a bunch of goofy fire-enthusiasts who love to learn, teach and bring the ways of the fire to everyone.