02 November, 2014

Great googly-moogly!

Hello again, and welcome back!

How was your time away? Many thing happen? Not as many as what's been going on at Club nights, I bet!

AS it stands, it has been so busy and happening at the Club recently that I have broken three Awesometers (patent pending) and now have the replacement parts on their way to me from their mountainous factory, high in the Andean Alps.

"Wheres the proof?" You say! "Did some-one take photos for you to steal, as always?" You ask!

Well, this time, We took our own footage and I was given a photo!

Circus education.

Boom! Teamwork!    

Ok, So maybe not as many pictures as I would have liked, but I realised that I took about 8 photos for three different poses, Thus why I thought I had heaps to show you all... Also, we ended up having too much fun to remember to take many photos, as evident here...
And here...
For those of you not satisfied by the images provided, I offer you this picture of my cat, helping me with an art project as a distraction!

But in all seriousness, the team at MUFC have been rocking it out and just having a ball and are currently prepping for the Rongotea Fireworks this Friday and another private gig. We are really starting to get to the perfect time of year with some fine weather in the evenings where we can just chillout and burn.

We will aim to get more shots and exciting information out to you all with the next set of gigs that we'll be going to, but until then...

As always, My name is Ty... Thanks for reading!

I'm out!

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